Date/Time Sun 30 Apr 2017 7:45 PM
Price Online - £3 + 30p booking fee; On The Door - £3
Another of our popular singers’ nights – giving our regulars a chance to perform on stage with amplification and lighting.
Expect anything from sea shanties to psychedelia, with a mix of original songs, traditional songs and covers of well known songs, less known songs and some performers will take requests on the night.
For performers, a spot on a Singers Night consists of two songs (or maybe 3 very short pieces). Performing on stage in front of an expectant audience puts us firmly in the spotlight and necessitates more practice and preparation.
Most of our performers play the guitar, but we will give a warm welcome to any other instruments, and of course to unaccompanied singers. If you feel like bringing something really interesting to play then please arrive early and make yourself known so that we can help you get the best possible sound from your instrument.
To assist in the process our more experienced regular performers and volunteers are happy to offer assistance to help prepare those for whom the step up from the singaround to the darkened stage may be daunting. For example: we’ll be happy to help unaccompanied singers choose a suitable pitch (or even accompany them if they prefer). We’ll aim to set up the stage from 6.30pm and if time allows there should be the opportunity to have a run-through using the microphones.
Please come prepared with everything you need…capo, picks, guitar strap, (guitar) and most importantly PLEASE to paraphrase Bob Dylan “know your song well before you start singing”
If you have any questions please email via the website. We hope that the most successful spots may eventually get the opportunity to progress to a full support spot (usually 25 mins- 5 songs).